How To Become An Earthkeeper

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During this podcast episode we are joined by Amy Dempster, who helps in understanding the healing power of the Earth.

What began as openly sharing her spiritual journey on her popular blog Following Hawks, has become a resource for others wanting to learn how to communicate with nature and share their own unique healing gifts with the Earth.


Amy does incredible work with the spirits of the land, tending portals and stargates in Montana where she lives, along with any grid keeping work she is assigned.

She also leads the Earth Tenders Academy, an immersive online journey to help others re-establish their connection with their ancient ancestors, learn to communicate with the seen and unseen forces in their environment and respectfully offer their healing energy to places in need.

Amy is also the host of the podcast The Earth Keepers - our topic for this episode!

Here are some of the key discussion points:

  • Amy first started receiving messages that felt like thoughts in her head that she didn’t put there and quickly realised that the trees were communicating with her. This made her more curious about what else you can communicate with. She explains that nature is always wanting to communicate - even if you are in a built up area, this is still possible.

  • So why are we drawn to visit certain places more than others? Amy suggests that perhaps there’s a connection from a past life or potentially something in your soul contract that draws you there. Different places and elements of nature call to us and different places can open up different things, like gifts or memories within us.

  • Amy explains there are spirits working with and around us and from their perspective there’s only one eco system - when you remove humans from the eco system, there are many things that can’t happen or won’t happen in the same way. Our ancestors held an Earth honouring tradition in that they understood they were a part of the web of life.

  • So how can we make sense of, or think about the spirits of the land? Amy talks about how they live on different planes and we are layered on top of each other. They are here in our plane and yet in another dimension. So in order to make energetic shifts on the land or resolve an issue or improve the energy, they need someone in a physical form to hold that energy to create the change. We actually see the change and see things shift as a result of the work done on the energetic plane.

  • Amy does property readings where she is having conversations with the spirits of the land. For example asking, ‘what’s going on’ or ‘do you need my help’ etc, and the other part of the process is providing that help if asked for. Amy can hold the door open so that the energy work can transpire and move between our plane and their plane, then we can see the results in our physical reality.

  • We had to ask Amy about portals! She explains that they are an energetic spot. If the vortex is the freeway, then the portal is an exit and/or entrance. A place in which energies from another plane can come into this plane or vise-versa. Portals just exist on a frequency - and whatever energies match that frequency can access the portal - it’s like having a key.

  • In order to help other people who may be experiencing portals in or nearby their homes that are causing issues, Amy finds out from the spirits of the land what the purpose of the portal is. Does it need to stay open, is it being used for other reasons etc. She also shares with us that you can change the frequency of the portal. So, if one feels negative for example, to lift the frequency you could play solfeggio frequencies or use essential oils or sage etc.

  • Amy has recorded a video called Clear & Protect the Energy in Your Home that comes with a guided meditation on YouTube, it’s a great watch! Or you can read her blog Spiritual Protection for You and Your Home for more information.

  • So…what are some of the things you can do as an Earthkeeper? Amy suggests having a little alter in your garden or any outdoor space that you have where you can place offerings on. Openly talk to nature and ask the question - ‘I’m here, guide me if there’s something specific you want me to do.’ Amy shares that sometimes the spirits of the land feel forgotten about or like no one cares and therefore may not trust humans at all and withdraw their energy. Remember there is this whole other world living alongside us and it is impacted by us. Another simple suggestion to consider - ask before you cut down a tree!

  • Amy talks about and shares the identity of the spirits of the land and tells us that some are referred to today as mythical creatures! Amy points out that there’s a reason why they are in our collective consciousness. And I was just blown away when she talked about her personal spirit guide - a Sasquatch no less! Awesome!

  • She explains that in her experience, Sasquatch are heavily invested in the Earth - they work with the grids and Earth energy and are connected with humans that are doing this kind of work. She tells us, we do a piece of work on our plane then they pick it up and do a piece of work on their plane. Incredible.

  • Amy shares her thoughts on the new Earth and how we and our planet are evolving. In order for us to shift frequencies, we receive more light and light codes. This comes through the Great Central Sun, Central Sun and then our Sun - and anything that doesn’t match that frequency has to go basically. The release of anything with a lower density is happening spontaneously. So, how can you hold this light and anchor it into the body? How do we hold an increasing amount of higher frequency light in our physical body whilst being anchored here on earth? It’s a challenge and one that we are experiencing collectively.

  • Ok so what about working with your ancestors? Are they connected to the land? Amy suggests to go back to your ancient Earth honouring ancestors, who were healed and healthy - that’s a great place to start. She talks about a book called Ancestral Medicine written by Dr Daniel Foor that is a very useful tool for this.

  • To find out more about the incredible work that Amy does you can visit her website here:


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